A03-1班 原田慶恵さん、岡部弘基さんの研究成果がNature Communicationsに掲載されました。

A03-1班分担者の原田慶恵さん、A03-1班分担者の岡部弘基さんが共に責任著者を務める論文が、Nature Communicationsに掲載されました。

Chuma S, Kiyosue K, Akiyama T, Kinoshita M, Shimazaki Y, Uchiyama S, Sotoma S, Okabe K, Harada Y.
Implication of thermal signaling in neuronal differentiation revealed by manipulation and measurement of intracellular temperature.
Nat Commun. 2024 May 9;15(1):3473.
doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-47542-8. PMID: 38724563 プレスリリース

Implication of thermal signaling in neuronal differentiation revealed by manipulation and measurement of intracellular temperature | Nature Communications

The role of subcellular thermogenesis during neuronal differentiation remains poorly understood. Here, the authors employ methods to monitor local intracellula…